Mentoring at Minority Serving Institutions

by Tania Irwin

In 2017 and the years that follow, institutions must dedicate their efforts to the recruitment and retention of a more diverse student population. Mentoring is a retention strategy that uses institutional resources to establish connections between prospective, current, and alumni students. Through mentoring relationships, students receive support, learning experiences, and networking opportunities that better prepare them for life after college. In light of Mentoring Awareness Month, today’s Monday Morning MSI Line Up highlights minority serving institutions with premier mentoring programs.

1) CUNY Hunter College (AANAPISI)—Manhattan, NY


At Hunter College, the mentoring program pairs Hunter alumni with students who are looking for educational advice, career guidance, and life lessons. Using real-world experiences and personal testimonies, Hunter graduates give students advice in areas ranging from the most efficient studying techniques and decision-making skills to interview preparation and professional development. Hunter alumni are fantastic role models dedicated to grooming future Hunter alumni. Show them how it’s done, Hunter!

For more information, please visit their website.

2) Roxbury Community College (PBI)—Roxbury Crossing, MA


The Mentoring for Success (MFS) program at Roxbury Community College strives to empower students to achieve academic success. The program mostly serves first-generation students in supporting their academic goals. MFS encourages students to reach their full academic and professional potential while exposing them to helpful resources and support. The program’s goal is that participating students develop professional tools and maintain excellent academic standing. Strive for excellence, Roxbury. We support you!

For more information, please visit their website.

3) Claflin University (HBCU)—Orangeburg, SC


Panthers at Work (PAW) is a mentoring program at Claflin committed to establishing relationships between current and alumni students. Through their participation, students will gain assistance and experience in areas like determining their major, finding internships, initiating their job search, and resume building. PAW gives current students a head start on life after college and alumni students a chance to give back to their alma mater. We see you, Claflin!

For more information, please visit their website.


4) California State University at Bakersfield (HSI)—Bakersfield, CA


In the International Students Mentoring Program at CSUB, students, faculty and staff work hard to ensure that international students find their space on campus. International students that participate in the program can expect to receive better information about campus and events; a sense of belonging, personal relationships with faculty and staff members; as well as less formal environment to ask questions and seek help. Moreover, students have the opportunity to build close-knit relationships with other students. Keep it up CSUB!

For more information, please visit their website.

5) University of North Carolina at Pembroke (NASNTI)—Pembroke, NC


The Transfer Transition Peer Mentor Program is dedicated to helping transfer students adapt to life at UNCP. Many of the peer mentors were once transfer students themselves and therefore well-versed about the needs of transfer students: as a result, mentors can share their knowledge about campus life and about student resources. This program is rare in that it ensures a smooth transition for transfer students and makes them feel right at home. Way to go, UNCP!

For more information, please visit their website.

Know of other mentoring programs at Minority Serving Institutions? Share them with us in the comments below!



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